Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Sandy Hook Media and Government Propaganda Fiasco

Be Ready, Be Warned: Gun Registration Is Coming

WND – by Patrice Lewis

“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.” – Unknown

In the spirit of never letting a crisis go to waste, President Obama recently issued 23 new executive orders on the subject of gun control in the wake of the Sandy Hook shootings. “Liberals have an uncanny knack for designing solutions that do not address the problem at hand,” noted David Limbaugh. And as William S. Burrough famously said, “After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn’t do it.”

Controlling firearms, you see, is deemed necessary by progressives to achieve some sort of nebulous theoretical bucolic pacifistic utopia that has literally never occurred on the face of the earth. Their actions prove they’re attempting to take the closest approximation of that utopia that has ever existed (America) and replacing it with their simplistic notions of what Americashould be (by violating every principle in the Bill of Rights, which they’ve never like anyway).

Obama’s executive orders lay the groundwork for the next inevitable step toward that mythical utopian fantasy: a national registry system for all firearms (H.R. 34, H.R. 117). Gun registration, they argue, is necessary because we have to know what kind of unstable people might possess firearms and thus become the next Adam Lanza.

So let’s engage in a mental exercise and pretend the government has already passed an edict requiring all guns to be registered, no exceptions. Naturally this is done in the name of public safety – “for the children,” if you will.

OK, so now all guns are registered. Now what? What has that achieved? How would registration change anything? How would it make gun-free zones like schools any safer?

Answer: It won’t. Think about it. Gun registration contributes nothing toward a safer society. Nothing. There is no value in registration unless you intend to do something with it.

In his sobering 2003 essay, Robert A. Waters briefly relates the history of gun control in England and concludes with these eerie words: “When the Dunblane Inquiry ended [in 1997], citizens who owned handguns were given three months to turn them over to local authorities. Being good British subjects, most people obeyed the law. The few who didn’t were visited by police and threatened with ten-year prison sentences if they didn’t comply. Police later bragged that they’d taken nearly 200,000 handguns from private citizens. How did the authorities know who had handguns? The guns had been registered and licensed. Kinda like cars.” [Emphasis added.]

This, folks, is the inevitable path gun confiscation follows. Register guns, and confiscation is the logical next step. Ah – but confiscation will only happen among the law-abiding, because criminals will never register their firearms in the first place. So where does that leave moms trying to protect their children from intruders? Dead. Because make no mistake: home invasions and other violent crimes invariably skyrocket when firearms are removed from the hands of citizens.

Our federal government is setting up the framework for our total disarmament. Oh not right away, of course. There’s still too much opposition by people who know their history and their rights. But over the next 10 or 20 years, federally funded public schools will continue to brainwash children about the evils of gun ownership. These children will grow up ignorant of their heritage and will be taught to despise their parents and grandparents, who know precisely why the Second Amendment is so important. Within a generation or two, our nation will be as emasculated as England is now – a place where violent crime has gone through the roof, people are locked away for defending themselves from thugs and where even knives are being banned.

And then the door will be opened for the rest of our rights to be dismantled. It’s well-known and well-documented that gun control doesn’t control crime. Why, then, is the government eager to control guns if it knows crime will escalate as a result? Easy. The government doesn’t give a rip for crime control. It wants citizen control. Remember, once we lose the Second Amendment, the rest of the Bill of Rights is meaningless. We the People will have no means to protect it.

When the progressives cheer additional gun-control measures, such as limiting magazine size, they argue that no one needs magazines holding more than 10 rounds for home defense or for hunting. But that argument (right or wrong) totally and entirely misses the point of the Second Amendment. Do you honestly think deer hunting or home invasions were on the minds of the Founding Fathers when they composed the Second Amendment? Or perhaps – just perhaps – fresh from the hideous tyranny of George III, they wanted to make sure their infant nation would never face a similarly abusive government? These men knew that the people of America had a natural right to arm themselves with whatever powerful firearms were necessary to ensure a home-grown tyrant never arose on our soil.

Believe me, when the Department of Homeland Security buys up 1.5 billion rounds of hollow-point ammunition, citizens need something a little better than a steak knife for defense. If our government ever decides to move en masse against innocent citizens, it must know there will be a rifle behind every blade of grass.

Did you know that worldwide, the leading cause of unnatural human death is governmentDemocide is defined as “the murder of any person or people by a government, including genocide, politicide and mass murder. Democide is not necessarily the elimination of entire cultural groups but rather groups within the country that the government feels need to be eradicated for political reasons and due to claimed future threats” (emphasis added).

The only purpose of gun registration is to let the government know who has guns – so they can be taken away. Remember that. Gun confiscation is historically followed by democide against the disarmed; this is an undeniable historical fact.

I applaud the recent massive attendance of every gun show in the nation, which is putting millions of firearms into the hands of decent law-abiding people. It demonstrates that American citizens are intelligent enough to know that the government is taking advantage of a crisis to increase its tyrannical and unconstitutional powers.

Gun registration: It’s coming. Be warned. Be ready.
Read more here

Be Ready, Be Warned: Gun Registration Is Coming

France Enforces Media Blackout In Mali Conflict

Is Obama Trying to Start A Civil War? Destroy America?

Is Obama Trying to Start A Civil War? Destroy America?

ABC, CBS, NBC Admit No Assault Rifle Used at Sandy Hook

ABC, CBS, NBC Admit No Assault Rifle Used at Sandy Hook

ABC, CBS, NBC Admit No Assault Rifle Used at Sandy Hook

Jesse Ventura: Politicians Are like Criminal Gang Members

“The Crips and the Bloods, the street gangs, while they can be devastating to a certain small part of the population, the DemoCRIPs and ReBLOODlicans, the Democrats and the Republicans, they affect everybody in this country and they’ve been in charge for over 100 years. So, how can they say they’re not responsible for the horrible state that our country’s in today?” ~ Jesse Ventura

Jesse Ventura: Politicians Are like Criminal Gang Members

Dianne Feinstein Involved in Conspiracy of Illegal Government Contracts, Israel Propaganda Tool, Poor Representation of California Citizens

IndyBay California – by Forest Glen Durland, Peter Byrne And Others, published Dec 2nd, 2011

Time for the 79 year old insider trader, China connected traitor, hawkish Dianne Feinstein who funneled over 1 billion in military contracts illegally to her husband Richard Blum to resign. She and her husband with Barbara Boxer’s help sold San Diego ports to Cosco. Her husband was part of the pressure network which caused police to bust up Occupy in Oakland and San Francisco.

Many of the older links in this article were compiled by Forest Glen Durland.

The record of insider trader war profiteer and hawkish traitor Dianne Feinstein.

1. Dianne Feinstein has funneled over 1 billion in contracts to her husband Richard Blum’s URS … just one of his companies to which she has funneled money stolen from the people of America. She has also with our money helped him profiteer from bankster foreclosures.

She was forced to resign from the military construction appropriations subcommittee because of her criminal acts but is still head of the intelligence committee! though she deliberately falsified intelligence and voted, unlike most Democrats, to give the unelected Bush authority to rain fire and death on Iraq.

2. She was a tool of the Israeli government in claiming falsely in 2002 that Saddam Hussein had nuclear weapons.

3. She opposes assault weapons in the US while voting for 30 billion dollars a year for assault weapons, fighter jets, and other armsmongering for the fraudulently installed Netanyahu government. Her husband Richard Blum was involved in Cosco’s gun running in San Diego. Her husband’s investment in Chinese shipping is one of many factors in the failure of the US government to inspect more than 5% of incoming crates. WalMart is the US’ biggest importer of uninspected Chinese goods.

4. As chair of Senate intelligence committee while Carl Levin is the chair of the Senate armed services committee how can she objectively monitor the Mossad infiltrated CIA?

5. She lost 2 mayoral elections and only the murder of Harvey Milk and Mayor George Moscone by the troubled (or mind controlled) Dan White (who had frequent contact with the SF police department) and her appointment to office started her career.

6. Her husband’s role as past chairman and present member of the Univ of Calif. Board of Overseers has helped make that state the most aggressive denier of the 1st amendment for peaceful protesters against UC vivisection. Blum was active in lobbying for AETA and pressuring for its unconstitutional enforcement.

7. Feinstein has many times violated the sovereign will of the people of California, ignoring their overwhelming support for immediate withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan.

8. Several times California fires have burned out of control while the state guard’s firefighters have been requisitioned for Iraq and Afghanistan where they help to cause fires.

9. California bridges are in terrible shape while money to repair them has instead been spent to bomb bridges in Baghdad and Afghanistan.

10. California animals are worse off. After 6000 Chino cows suffocated in mud, film of their torture was captured as they were poked with poles in udders, face, stomach, kicked, beaten, downer cows forklifted into fences.

11. Her husband Blum has an antilabor record. He raided the pension fund of S. Calif. carpenters’ union.. of 90 million dollars, 7.8 million in 1997 alone… for ‘investment consultant’ fees. Newt Gingrich rivals him in fleecing others.

12. [b]Members Lost 90 Million as Richard Blum Managed Pension Fund [/b]

13. The government’s investigations of the Feinstein/Blum corrupt connections to Chinese
money have only partially been investigated.

Like those of Mitt Romney, Henry Kissinger, Henry Paulson, Warren Buffett and Rupert Murdoch, Feinstein’s Chinese money connections are in conflict with the interests of the people of the US and in conflict with the role of an intelligence chairman.

14. In 1994, Feinstein ignored human rights issues in China and led the effort to renew most-favored-nation trade status for China at a time when her husband was preparing to invest $150 million of his clients’ money, along with $2 million to $3 million of his own, in China.

15. Feinstein has been silent about the 911 Israeli govt’s role in the WTC plot.

16. Feinstein pushed for the leasing of a S California naval base to a Chinese company Cosco with which her husband has financial ties.


Dianne Feinstein Involved in Conspiracy of Illegal Government Contracts, Israel Propaganda Tool, Poor Representation of California Citizens

Man Writes 4th Amendment on Chest and Illegally Detained

tobey an 4th amendment

A Virginia man who wrote an abbreviated version of the Fourth Amendment on his body and stripped to his shorts at an airport security screening area won a trial Friday in his lawsuit seeking $250,000 in damages for being detained on a disorderly conduct charge.

Aaron Tobey claimed in a civil rights lawsuit(.pdf) that in 2010 he was handcuffed and held for about 90 minutes by the Transportation Security Administration at the Richmond International Airport after he began removing his clothing to display on his chest a magic-marker protest of airport security measures.
“Amendment 4: The right of the people to be secure against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated,” his chest and gut read.
In sending the case to trial, unless there’s a settlement, the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 2-1 and reversed a lower court judge and invoked Benjamin Franklin in the process. According to the opinion by Judge Roger Gregory:
Here, Mr. Tobey engaged in a silent, peaceful protest using the text of our Constitution—he was well within the ambit of First Amendment protections. And while it is tempting to hold that First Amendment rights should acquiesce to national security in this instance, our Forefather Benjamin Franklin warned against such a temptation by opining that those ‘who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.’ We take heed of his warning and are therefore unwilling to relinquish our First Amendment protections—even in an airport.
Tobey didn’t want to go through the advanced imaging technology X-ray machines, or so-called nude body scanners, that were cropping up at airports nationwide. Instead, when it was his turn to be screened, he was going to opt for an intrusive pat-down, and removed most of his clothing in the process.
Among other things, the federal lawsuit claimed wrongful detention and a breach of the First Amendment and Fourth Amendment. Tobey was on his way to Wisconsin for his grandmother’s funeral. Despite his detainment, he made his flight.
According to the suit, while under interrogation, the authorities wanted to know “about his affiliation with, or knowledge of, any terrorist organizations, if he had been asked to do what he did by any third party, and what his intentions and goals were.”
Two weeks later, Henrico County prosecutors dropped the misdemeanor charge against him, and he sued the Transportation Security Administration and others.
In dissent, Judge J. Harvie Wilkinson wrote:
Had this protest been launched somewhere other than in the security-screening area, we would have a much different case. But Tobey’s antics diverted defendants from their passenger-screening duties for a period, a diversion that nefarious actors could have exploited to dangerous effect. Defendants responded as any passenger would hope they would, summoning local law enforcement to remove Tobey—and the distraction he was creating — from the scene.
- Refreshing News, Blogs, News Wire Feeds

Man Writes 4th Amendment on Chest and Illegally Detained

Department of Defense is Monitoring "Sandy Hook Shooting" Bloggers


Each of us knows that various governments have spared little expense in recent years doing their best to monitor the activities of social media and the ever expanding sphere of personal blogging.

It would appear that we, here at Insane Media, have had our first taste of this monitoring in our short life.

I was doing my regular weblog checks, when I stumbled across a very interesting ISP, we had a visit from an IP that belongs to the DoD Network Information Center. They visited our Sandy Hook Dawn Hochsprung Cache Evidence article.

IP address
Organization for management
DoD Intel Information Systems
Updated date
# Query terms are ambiguous The query is assumed to be.:
# “N″
# Use “?” To get help.
# The following results may also be obtained via:
# Http://;? Q = showDetails = true & showARIN = false & ext = netref2

NetRange: –
CIDR: / 8
NetHandle: NET-11-0-0-0-1
NetType: Direct Allocation

OrgName: DoD Network Information Center
Address: 3990 E. Broad Street
City: Columbus
StateProv: OH
PostalCode: 43218
Country: US
Updated: 2011-08-17

OrgTechHandle: REGIS10-ARIN
OrgTechName: Registration
OrgTechPhone: +1-800-365-3642

OrgTechName: Network DoD
OrgTechPhone: +1-800-365-3642

OrgAbuseHandle: REGIS10-ARIN
OrgAbuseName: Registration
OrgAbusePhone: +1-800-365-3642

# ARIN WHOIS data and services are subject to the Terms of Use
# Available at:


A rather basic internet search turned up the following organizations all sharing the same address:

3990 E BROAD ST, BLDG 21
COLUMBUS, OH 43213-1152
(800) 756-4571


Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) take pride in serving the men and women who defend America. We take our contribution to national defense seriously.

Also at this address


Missile Defense Agency

We are looking for both technical and administrative men and women to help develop the most advanced defensive arsenal in history. We have a full range of jobs for everyone from experienced career professionals and recent college graduates to student interns.

And also at this address


Defense Supply Center Columbus

Our Mission

To provide best value logistics and contract
management support to America’s Armed
Forces, in peace and war… around the clock,
around the world.

Our Vision
Right Item, Right Time, Right Place,
Right Price.
Every Time … Best Value Solutions for
America’s Warfighters.



Defense Information Systems Agency

DISA is a Combat Support Agency comprised of 16,000 people – military, federal civilian, and our contractor partners. We connect the enterprise – the forces, users, and partners globally, from user to user – where information is produced and consumed at speeds and in quantities never before imagined. Together with our partners, we provide the network, computing infrastructure, and enterprise services to support information sharing and decision making no matter where the information is located or sourced. We facilitate use of real time intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance information to enable information exchange between the producer and the shooter.

The Network Name is DODIIS – Department of Defense, Intelligence Information System:

The Department of Defense (DOD) Intelligence Information System (DODIIS) defines the standards for intelligence systems and applications interoperability. The DODIIS provides, within limits, an integrated strategic to tactical user environment for performing identical intelligence functions on compatible systems. This DIA managed program incorporates the DISN secure networks under a single architecture. The system’s primary components include the SECRET Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNET), the JWICS, and the JDISS.

In addition, the information system will support “views” into a global data model. Analysts (and applications) will be able to specify relevant subsets of the total data available. Imagery analysts could, for example, use a predefined “Imagery Data” view. The analyst could also specify data categories for a tailored view composed of a combination of imagery, relevant free-text messages, broadcast television news reports, and maps.



US Army Recruiting Battalion Headquarters Columbus

The Columbus Recruiting Battalion headquarters is located in Columbus, Ohio in the heart of the central Ohio. Recruiting companies are situated in Ohio, West Virginia, and northern Kentucky. Headquarters is bordered by Lake Erie to the north, Indiana to the west, Pennsylvania to the east and Kentucky/West Virginia to the south.

Now that we have firmly determined the residents of the address associated with the IP address that visited our site, now might be a good time to ask, what part(s) of the site did they visit, and why?

Their visit focused on the contents of our investigation into the curious statement to press by the late Dawn Lafferty Hochsprung the principal ofSandy Hook Elementary School on the day of the tragic events in Newtown.

Details of that story may be found here.

What was it about this particular story that caught the attention of the DoD?

I checked my Peer Block firewall and once I went to the DoD website, there was quite some activity, packet after packet:

From other blogs I collected the following information: is pretty disturbing to think the Department of Defense would feel empowered to spy on Americans in this way, as this scheme can’t help but do. Doing a little Googling on this particular institution returns a few more disturbing stories. This same center is apparently guilty of hacking into Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook account, according to the Christian Science Monitor.

The Obama HustleBig Brother Obama Is Spying on Bloggers

Government wants ISP’s to Spy on you

The Department of Justice, voted in committee to advance regulations requiring Internet service providers to retain your account information. This information preserved would include not just your IP address, but customers’ names, addresses, phone numbers, credit card numbers and bank account numbers as well.

While we are deeply flattered to be receiving attention from such noteworthy orgs at such an early stage of our development we did think it best to share this information.

The Dawn Hochsprung article was my first attempt at writing for Insane Media. I was hopeful it would be seen to contain well researched and thought provoking information. Well, I guess, if It’s good enough for the Department of Defense that’s good enough for me.

Kennedy Ray

About the Author

-swansong- Is just a guy…sick of the lies. A guy who is sick of the constant manipulating, spinning, massaging, altering, sensationalizing and outright bastardizing of the news. There’s a reason they’re called the “public” airwaves. They belong to us…and it’s time we took them back.

Department of Defense is Monitoring "Sandy Hook Shooting" Bloggers

Communist Party Protests At Mall For Removal of 2nd Amendment and Gun Control

The communists began their new campaign for gun confiscation yesterday, assembling at the Washington Mall for a silent march down Constitution Avenue.  How ironic.  Of course this so called protest was sanctioned by the soviet insurgent government.  No billy clubs and tear gas for these traitors and only positive coverage in the mainstream propaganda machine.

Imagine a march centered on a desire to diminish our 2nd Amendment.  The United States is a Republic and our people’s Bill of Rights absolutely cannot be altered by anyone within any of the three branches of government, as our Bill of Rights represents our power as individuals.  Our rights are inalienable and hence the power they represent is absolute without exception or infringement.

The communists who showed up at the Washington Mall detest our form of government as it forbids our individual power being compounded through collectivism, as in my right, his right, her right outweighs your right twice over.  Not one, not two, not a thousand, or a million can remove the right of the individual through a majority consent.  In short, the one has absolute equal right to the all within our law.

The only way a right guaranteed under our Bill of Rights can be diminished in any way is through diminished exercise thereof by the individual.  Any American national is absolutely free not to exercise a right but they can in no way dictate that another individual do the same, not as one or as a million.

Our rights are our individual possession and no others.  They cannot be amended through legislation or executive order, as no branch of government can even approach such assertion without causing an infringement, which is absolutely forbidden by our Bill of Rights itself, within its embodiment, within the individual as a self governing entity.

The communists who came out to march at the Washington Mall yesterday are guilty of attempting to incite insurrection and constructive treason against our Republic by definition of our law.  Every one of them should be charged, convicted, made to serve hard time, and then deported.

Our founding fathers and I do not mean the aristocrats but rather those who fought and died to establish our country, have commanded us, through our Bill of Rights and the established fact that our rights are inalienable, to defy this soviet socialist insurgency through the assertion of our rights for the removing of all infringements.

We as individuals must institute total resistance to tyranny until our enemy is vanquished.

God bless the Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.

- From The Trenches World Report

Communist Party Protests At Mall For Removal of 2nd Amendment and Gun Control

Criminals Everywhere Are Linking Up at Police Stations To Register Guns!

gangs1Working together to make America safer.


Across the United States, in cities like Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Washington D.C., gang members, career criminals, and assorted punks are heading to their local police departments to register their guns.  Citing recent pleas from US government officials and politicians, and the awareness of the recent shooting in Newtown, CT, scores of tatted men and women are filling out registration forms to do their part in the movement for better gun control.

Long lines have been forming resulting in a backlog of data entry in a number of precincts around the country.  Sgt. Fred Cocozza remarked, “I had no idea what to expect when I saw the line of people in front of the station.  At first I thought there had been a round up from a recent sting operation, until I noticed they were all still holding their guns.” Various departments are excited after spending hundreds of dollars on recent buy back programs.  ”This is going to save our department a lot of money that would have been paid to gun owners turning in their guns.” Sgt. Cocozza continued, “This will allow us to spend the funds elsewhere and triple our taser supply.”

“It’s the right thing to do, bro.” said Wonder Dog, a member of Reck It Nation.  ”We be all about dat Feinstein bitch ‘n what she be layin’ down.  Check it out, da bangers need to answer up, so when dey bust a cap wid their burners da man’ll knowd we ain’t really no opposites.  When we be strapped wid our Trey 8′s we be knowin’ dat da road dogs gotta put it in check. Word.”

Mrs. Edith Morgenstern in Chicago stated, “I came down to snitch on my neighbor, and saw the line of people.  I was pretty nervous at first, but then I realized that I had no need to worry.  This was helping America be safer.”

Mr. Herbert Handslip said, “I am so relieved.  After the recent burglary at my house which resulted in my wife being shot and put in a coma, I was upset. I now know that if it happens again, at least the perp’s gun will be legally registered.  If my wife ever wakes up, I’ll tell her.  I know she will be happy, too.”

The media reports that their efforts to promote better gun control have made a difference. A New York reporter stated, “It is very gratifying to know that good journalism results in a better educated populous and can change people’s lives, even save them.”

No word has been reported yet from President Obama, or Anderson Cooper on the rush of criminals and gang members to register their firearms that has been seen across the nation.   CNN commentator, Piers Morgan however was rumored to say, “Blimey, I think I’ll stay in this wonderful country after all. God bless America!”  An email was received from an anonymous source purporting that “alternative news” mouthpiece, Alex Jones, choked on his bullhorn.

The most heart rendering comment was overheard when Los Angeles gang member El Rey Mierda said, “Sometimes, we just gotta flip. Now, when we G-down for da game, ‘n jump out to holding down ‘n start a mission, or get some hard candy, we won’t need to bring in da enforcer to git da homies ‘n put ‘em in check.  I knowd dis will hep da Pee Wees git waz up. Now, I gotta go git me a toss up. Everything is everything. Peace out.”

Criminals Everywhere Are Linking Up at Police Stations To Register Guns!

A Very Famous Chinese Activists Explains Why We Need 2nd Amendment

Tiananmen square activist turned American citizen demonstrates for the second amendment

A Very Famous Chinese Activists Explains Why We Need 2nd Amendment

Charleton Hestons Classic Speech

Every time our country stands in the path of danger, an instinct seems to summon her finest first — those who truly understand her.

When freedom shivers in the cold shadow of true peril, it’s always the patriots who first hear the call.

When loss of liberty is looming, as it is now, the siren sounds first in the hearts of freedom’s vanguard. The smoke in the air of our Concord bridges and Pearl Harbors is always smelled first by the farmers, who come from their simple homes to find the fire, and fight, because they know that sacred stuff resides in that wooden stock and blued steel — something that gives the most common man the most uncommon of freedoms.

When ordinary hands can possess such an extraordinary instrument, that symbolizes the full measure of human dignity and liberty. That’s why those five words issue an irresistible call to us all, and we muster. So — so, as, ah, we set out this year to defeat the divisive forces that would take freedom away, I want to say those fighting words for everyone within the sound of my voice to hear and to heed — and especially for you, Mister Gore: From my cold dead hands!

Charlton Heston’s closing remarks at the 2000 NRA annual meeting in Charlotte North Carolina — “From MY Cold Dead Hands” speech.

- American Thinker

Charleton Hestons Classic Speech

Most People Just Won"t Wake Up

Who Owns Congress?

Court Rules The Police Didn"t Have to Protect Someone Who Was Doing Their Job

The NY Post reported on an interesting story.

A man that had gotten involved in the defense of innocent lives and subduing a madman that had a knife, didn’t need police protection, so the court ruled.

They want to take away our guns and now the police don’t have to protect us?  Figured this would be next…

Here is the story…

He says he put his life on the line to stop a killer — and claims cops sat back and watched.

But city lawyers are arguing that the police had no legal duty to protect Joseph Lozito, the Long Island dad stabbed seven times trying to subdue madman Maksim Gelman — a courtroom maneuver the subway hero calls “disgraceful.”

A judge is currently deciding whether Lozito, who sued the city last year for failing to prevent the attack, will get his day in court.

The drug-fueled Gelman had fatally stabbed four people in Brooklyn during a 28-hour rampage when he entered an uptown No. 3 train on Feb. 12, 2011.

GOT HIM! Officer Terrance Howell escorts murder-spree maniac Maksim Gelman from Brooklyn’s 61st Precinct.

Police officers Terrance Howell and Tamara Taylor were part of a massive NYPD manhunt. They were in the operator’s cab, watching the tracks between Penn Station and 42nd Street for any sign of the fugitive. Lozito was seated next to the cab.

In the official NYPD account and Howell’s own affidavit, Howell heroically tackled and subdued the killer. But Lozito tells a different story.

The 42-year-old mixed-martial-arts fan says he watched Gelman approach the cab window, barking: “Let me in!” Gelman even claimed to be a cop, but a dismissive Howell turned away, he says.

Gelman walked off. A straphanger recognizing Gelman tried to alert the cops, but was also rebuffed. A minute later, Gelman returned and set his sights on the 6-foot-2, 270-pound Lozito.

“You’re going to die,” Gelman announced — then stabbed him in the face.

Lozito leapt from his seat and lunged at the 23-year-old Gelman as the psycho sliced at him.

“Most of my wounds are in the back of my head,” Lozito said. “He got to the back of my head because my left shoulder [was] in his waist.”

In his account, Lozito pinned Gelman to the floor, disarming him. Howell then emerged from the booth, tapping Lozito’s shoulder: “You can get up now,” he said.

“By the time he got there, the dirty work was already done,” Lozito said.

Gelman was convicted in the spree — which left his girlfriend, her mother, his stepfather and a pedestrian dead, and five others injured.

Lozito says a grand-jury member later told him Howell admitted on the stand that he hid during the attack because he thought Gelman had a gun.

An angry Lozito decided to sue the city for negligence, arguing the cops should have recognized Gelman and prevented, or reacted more quickly to, the assault.

The city routinely settles such litigation but is playing hardball with Lozito, insisting his demand for unspecified money damages be tossed because the police had no “special duty” to protect him or any individual on the train that day.

Experts say it’s a long-standing legal precedent requiring police to put the public safety of all ahead of any one individual’s rights.

Lozito says his case is different.

“If the cop is on the train, and I get robbed by a stranger, of course, the cop can’t be clairvoyant,” Lozito told The Post. “But when they’re looking for Maksim Gelman, and Maksim Gelman bangs on the door and says, ‘Let me in, I’m a cop’ and all you say is: ‘No, you’re not?’ ”

1. Joseph Lozito enters the uptown No. 3 train, sitting behind the train operator. Officers Terrance Howell and Tamara Taylor enter the operator’s booth; a few minutes later, the train slowly pulls out of Penn Station.

2. Maksim Gelman walks up to the booth and says: “Let me in!” Howell allegedly dismisses him and Gelman walks away.

3. Minutes later, Gelman walks back up to the booth, looks at Lozito, says “You’re going to die,” and stabs him.

4. Lozito fights back, getting seven stab wounds during the 60-second struggle with Gelman, eventually pinning him and knocking the knife away.

5. Howell allegedly emerges from the booth, taps Lozito on the shoulder and says: “You can get up now.”

Court Rules The Police Didn"t Have to Protect Someone Who Was Doing Their Job

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Femen Protests The World Economic Forum

DAVOS, Switzerland (AP) — Three women angry over sexism and male domination of the world economy ripped off their shirts and tried to force their way into a gathering of corporate elites in a Swiss resort.

Predictably, they failed. The ubiquitous and huge security force policing the World Economic Forum in Davos carried the women away, kicking and screaming.

The women, from Ukrainian feminist activist group Femen, scaled a fence and set off pink flares in the protest Saturday. Their chests were painted with “SOS Davos,” as they sought to call attention to poverty of women around the world.

Critics of the Davos forum say the business and political leaders at the gathering spend too little time doing concrete things to solve the world’s problems and help the needy.

Femen Protests The World Economic Forum

Why We Need to Stop The Development of The "Smart Gun"

Sometimes it feels like I’m talking to a brick wall – last week, I raised the alarm on the growth of the smart gun movement , and how they would lead to microchip implants.

Then Obama issued his ‘executive orders’, or rather, made a speech about guns, including measures that could further the introduction of these ‘personalized’ weapons. The mainstream has also been reporting on this issue, so I’m mystified as to why there is still no real reaction: the focus of gun rights advocates remains on the mental ‘health’ aspect.

So excuse me for shouting, but it’s high time to:



I am a UK researcher; people here rarely talk about guns, and it’s uncommon to see them being used or carried. However, I’m trying to inform people about smart guns because I’m opposed to all of the programs which require implantation with a microchip for security reasons, and because the police and military[1] have an alarming array of awful weapons to use against us[2].

 In the UK, The Telegraph just reported that Google wants people to use a ring to have a single online sign-in (this is identity management).

 …. In a research paper, two security experts at the web giant have outlined a future in which the main way of guaranteeing we are who we say we are online will be possession of a physical token, perhaps embedded in smartphones or even jewellery.

They have added to growing claims that passwords are both inherently insecure and increasingly impractical.

We’d like your smartphone or smartcard-embedded finger ring to authorize a new computer via a tap on the computer, even in situations in which your phone might be without cellular connectivity, the Googlers wrote.

I also believe that the proposed large-scale manufacture of smart guns should be dominating the gun control debate in America, because they seem set to be regulated as a consumer product, which must therefore have safety features – so ALL guns would need to conform. This would enable ‘wide area control’, meaning any gun could be remotely disabled. When the authorities decide they don’t want you to use your gun, they can just switch it off. The White House is now poised to act, and the guns are ready to go into production. The next move is to get the approval of Congress – probably legislation to bring guns (and/or safety mechanisms) under the Consumer Product Safety Act. The issue needs a good public airing well before that. Especially since ‘Anonymous’ put out a video
inciting Americans to fight their government:

American people have decided to openly declare war on the United States government. This is a call to arms. We call upon the Citizens of the United States to stand beside us in overthrowing this corrupted body and call upon a new era.

Rising up with guns is a surefire way to convince Congress to legislate the manufacture of ‘safe’ guns. A color revolution for the smart world order, for which the table has already been laid.


Following Joe Biden’s round of meetings to address gun control in the country, a gun policy summit was convened by the Johns Hopkins University last week, and was attended by some of the “global leaders in gun policy and violence – representing the fields of law, medicine, public health, advocacy and public safety”. These people are said to have reached consensus on a number of issues, leading to the release of a list of recommendations, including personalized guns:

  • Congress should provide financial incentives to states to mandate childproof or personalized guns.
  • The Federal Consumer Product Safety Commission should be granted authority to regulate the safety of firearms and ammunition as consumer products.

All of the researchers’ recommendations have been compiled into a book which has been published in just two weeks! The book includes the above smart gun recommendations, and the back cover features praise from Michael Bloomberg, Mayor of New York City; Martin O’Malley, Governor of Maryland; and David Satcher, 16th Surgeon General of America.

The book (Reducing Gun Violence in America: Informing Policy with Evidence and Analysis) is edited by Daniel Webster, the co-director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research, and Jon Vernick, who has done a lot of research, some of it with Stephen Teret (see below), to advance the development of personalized weapons. New York Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, who is also co-chair of the Mayors Against Illegal Guns Coalition, has written the foreword.

The book includes an analysis of the constitutionality of many recommended policies and data from a national public opinion poll that reflects support among the majority of Americans—including gun owners—for stronger gun policies.

[Please note, the video takes 3.5 minutes to start, and Teret’s speech is from 46 mins and 50 secs to 1 hour and 14 mins.]

One of the speakers at the summit was Stephen P. Teret, a long-time champion of personalizing weapons, and setting safety standards for them. He gave a thirty minute speech[3] at last week’s Gun Policy Summit, in which he stressed the need to design guns responsibly, and safely. He claimed the technology is already available, and all America needs now is regulation. He described two designs – one of which, produced by Armatix, is the iP1, and is, said Teret, “… being sold in Europe now and is ready to be sold here in the U.S. … this is ready now. This is for sale now in Europe.” Teret also said that the ATF approved the iP1 personalized gun for importation in December 2011 – it uses both fingerprint sensors and RFID (it comes with a microchipped ‘wristwatch’). Teret then goes on to describe the smart gun developed by TriggerSmart, which operates on the same High Frequency band used for contactless credit cards, and is said to work in an instant. Use of a ring, wristwatch, or implant[4] is required, as with the Armatix system.

(the chip goes in at 3:30 mins!)

The CEO of Armatix, Bernd Dietel, and the founder of TriggerSmart, Robert McNamara, were both present at the summit. Teret commented that, in a conversation with Dietel, about the expected impact on prices, Dietel had asserted, “…once you get economies of scale going, it will increase the cost of a gun 10-20%.”

There was no mention by Teret of the ‘dynamic finger grip’ gun design I described in my last article – the two most likely designs both require a chip to be present either in or on the hand. The suggestion that all police forces and other gun owners should have to wear a ring or watch at all times just to fire their gun is ludicrous. Nobody could be expected never to lose or forget to wear the device, to be unable to, or to have it stolen. Implanting a chip into the hand only takes a couple of minutes, and is then ‘secure’. Hands, however, are removable.

On Christmas day, 2012, Robert McNamara posted a message to the forum asking for advice on how to bring his gun design to the attention of the authorities in the U.S.:

Firstly, if Mrs Lanza had TriggerSmart installed in her guns then Adam could not have fired the guns without her authorization RFID tag.

Secondly, if TriggerSmart Wide Area control was installed at the school then any TriggerSmart guns could have been disabled at point of entry to safe zone.

It is my intention to licence our technology free to every school and University in the USA free of charge.… we have been GRANTED a patent in the USA and … I am just back from South Africa where they want to use our technology to prevent the gun violence there and I have had some enquiries from KSA and Egypt, UK and Norway where there were over 70 killed in a massacre last year.

On New Year’s Eve, McNamara again posted to a forum about his “childproof RFID smart guns” –

What our technology can do is create a zone to disable guns if they come within a safe zone such as a school, airport etc. We call this Wide Area Control or WAC. The guns need to have TS RFID technology installed in the first place.

In an email sent to Mitch Barker, (Executive Director, WA Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs), McNamara implied the Connecticut massacre had helped build the “momentum .. on .. our side of advocating safer guns and safer gun laws.”

Barker replied,

I believe there is a huge market for this technology. More importantly, I believe it will save many lives. The police market, as you know, has looked at smart guns for years. They will be a tough group to convince because of the concern the weapon will not fire when needed. While I believe there is much that can be done to help move this to the police/military market, it seems that the civilian market is a much better place to begin.

McNamara has just been interviewed by Fox News, looking oddly shifty and uncomfortable. In the interview, he claims his design will cause the gun to be fired by an authorised user within a quarter of a second. He dismisses biometrics as unreliable, and says a pilot program will be up and running in a short time. TriggerSmart was granted a patent in the U.S. last year, and has an international patent pending. However, the product has not yet reached production stage: McNamara says he wants to make 50-100 of the guns and give them to the police and the military for testing.

Teret is very optimistic that regulation on smart guns will be forthcoming; he is well placed to influence policy – during his speech, he recounts his meeting to discuss personalized weapons with Biden’s taskforce last week, which had concluded with Attorney General Eric Holder endorsing smart guns the technology, and saying he would walk from the meeting, straight over to the White House, to talk to the President about it. Teret certainly seemed to think he had been ‘given the nod’ by Holder with the words:

…when the President speaks …. listen closely, because the President will be saying things that you all said in the meeting…

Last September (2012), Teret received the Chairman’s Circle of Commendation Award from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission in recognition of his “…exceptional contributions to consumers in the United States by reducing deaths, preventing injuries and improving consumer product safety.”


Both Biden and Obama made their solemn speeches to the nation on the 15th of January. Part of the showmanship was to deliver each speech with the manner of a caring but authoritative father: the finale was a spectacle involving the President signing what the media had led us to believe were 23 ‘executive orders’ on measures to control guns.

However, journalists have begun to point out that Obama didn’t pass any executive orders at all – really, all he did was make his position on guns a tiny bit clearer – and go on and on about the shootings and the children, and strengthen the meme of collective responsibility. As Meredith Drake, at, puts it:

The President has found a winning formula to push through his extreme policy views: campaign, grow support, give the appearance of action and fund raise off pseudo-action. The President is now applying this campaign tactic to gun control, giving the appearance to America that he is taking action to protect children from madmen….. it appears that the President had his children-hugging press conference to announce action but then signed directives to his cabinet and asked them to report back in 30 days.

Biden made his speech before Obama, repeating four times that we all have a “moral responsibility” to act to stop more massacres. There was no real substantiation for action other than the emotional effect of the shooting tragedies which have occurred. There was certainly no mention of implanting microchips, or remote disabling of guns. Two of the ‘executive orders’ can be seen to relate to smart gun technology, without naming it as such:

  • (no. 8) Review safety standards for gun locks and gun safes (Consumer Product Safety Commission).
  • (no. 15) Direct the Attorney General to issue a report on the availability and most effective use of new gun safety technologies and challenge the private sector to develop innovative technologies.

It is highly surprising that no direct reference was made to smart guns during the speeches given that day, given the massive movement now endorsing smart gun technology, and the support of key government officials. The President called for support from the nation, and from Congress, but without making it clear which specific actions he wanted them to support – the line of reasoning got lost towards the end as he just kept referring to ‘this’ and ‘it’. However, metaphors for ‘safe’ gun technology (and mental health checks) were scattered throughout -

  • “ways to keep guns out of the wrong hands”
  • “ keep guns out of the hands of criminals”
  • “kept … the wrong people from getting their hands on a gun”
  • “keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people”
  • “keep guns out of the wrong hands”

This repetition helps prime the mind to accept the proposals which look set to come soon. The overall theme is to suggest that anyone who rejects the proposals clearly doesn’t care about ‘the children’; you have to show you care.

The NRA-ILA website singles out four of Obama’s ‘executive orders’ as being “the most potentially problematic”; one of these is personalized firearms:

… Obama will direct Holder to issue a report designed to promote ‘smart’ gun technologies that gun owners generally do not want, and that would raise the cost of firearms and potentially render them useless.

I cannot find any other recent statements regarding smart guns by the NRA, other than a sentence published earlier this month, as one of various ‘firearm facts’, which says the NRA opposes smart guns which “have expensive, unreliable features, such as grips that would read your fingerprints before the gun will fire”.

Obama also mentioned in his speech that he would make Minnesota U.S. Attorney B. Todd Jones the director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives as part of the 23-point gun control plan; this may be a controversial move, however, since, according to an article at

Jones was personally a part of the high-ranking Department of Justice unit that first met on October 26, 2009, to create the new DOJ policy that was used to justify ‘gunwalking’ in Operation Fast and Furious. In Fast and Furious, the ATF ‘walked’ roughly 2,000 firearms into the hands of the Mexican drug cartels. That means through straw purchasers the agency allowed sales to happen and didn’t stop the guns from being trafficked, even though they had the legal authority to do so and were fully capable of doing so.

Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and hundreds of Mexican citizens-estimates put it around at least 300-were killed with these firearms.

Guns and the Law

Two states have passed laws related to the regulation of personalized guns; New Jersey did this in 2002, when it brought in legislation mandating that within six months of personalized guns becoming easily available on the market, it would become illegal to transfer ownership of any gun which was not personalized, in any way.

Maryland stipulates a report on the technology should be made annually, and the findings must be delivered to the Governor and the General Assembly.

In Pennsylvania, several senators are trying to pass bills which seek not only to legislate on the sale of smart guns, but to enforce the forfeiture of ‘dumb’ guns once personalized firearms are available; Senator Youngblood has introduced a bill (HB1282) which has been referred to committee on House Judiciary. It proposes,

adding a chapter providing for a safety performance standard for the manufacture of handguns, for the forfeiture of certain handguns and for enforcement relating to a safety standard for handguns; imposing penalties; and conferring powers and imposing duties on the Pennsylvania State Police. The State Police are required to promulgate regulations prescribing a handgun safety performance standard, which must include:

(1) A handgun shall be personalized so that it can only be fired when operated by that handgun’s authorized users;

(2) The technology establishing personalized handguns shall be incorporated into the design of a handgun and be part of its original equipment; and

(3) No personalized handgun may be manufactured to permit the personalized characteristics to be readily deactivated.

Teret, meanwhile, has been working on smart gun legislation from a different angle; he believes guns should be regulated under the In May 2000, he co-authored, ‘A Model Handgun Safety Standard Act’ for the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research.

In law, products which are manufactured and sold to the public are regulated by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). A manufacturer who sells goods which fall below the expected safety standard can be prosecuted; each company has a ‘duty of care’ to avoid committing the ‘tort of negligence’. Basically, manufacturers must take reasonable care to ensure their product is made according to safety standards; if they don’t, they are liable to be sued. Guns and ammunition are exempt from the jurisdiction of the CPSC, but Teret, and many others, believe this law should be overhauled, and the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, which gives gun dealers and manufacturers protection from tort liability, should be repealed. This was discussed in article at the Daily Kos:

Under standard product liability law, manufacturers are liable for defect in the design and construction of their products. Tort liability provides a powerful means by which concerned individuals or groups can gain leverage against much wealthier business interests. It is not necessary to win a suit to achieve a change in corporate business and behavior. Often, the threat of lawsuits alone provide a powerful financial incentive to an industry to make its products safer, and reduce the risks associated with the use of their products. Additionally, the liability process can force manufacturers to release internal documents regarding the known risks associated with product use – as occurred with dramatic effect with suits brought against the tobacco industry. The liability process can also create poor publicity for an industry or manufacturer. In broadly restricting civil suits against the gun industry, the federal government took away a potent tool by which consumers can lobby for their safety and well-being.

If it could be shown that smart guns were ‘safer’ than dumb guns, then “…litigation against gun makers for their failure to provide technologically feasible, inexpensive safety devices”, would force them all to fit the devices to the guns, because not fitting them would be classed as negligent.

One of the ways personalized weapons are said to be ‘safer’ is because they could prevent someone firing a gun that did not belong to them. Teret and Vernick, et al, have conducted studies which they claim to prove smart guns could prevent many unintentional deaths. If a safer alternative is available, but is not incorporated into the product, the manufacturers can be held liable in cases where a smart gun could be argued to have prevented a crime or a tragedy (such as a child firing his parent’s gun).

The issue is largely a question of foreseeability – whether or not it would have been possible to anticipate such unintended use of the product. This ties in with how the gun is stored. There are said to be “three distinct risks of negligent firearm storage: accidental shootings, adolescent suicides and the criminal misuse of stolen guns.”

Teret began his speech at the gun policy summit with the highly emotive story of a four year old child shooting his baby brother in the head while he slept in his crib. Teret notes such an incident can be classed as ‘foreseeable’; changing the design of the gun, he says, would prevent it from happening. This would then be regulated by the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Moves in this direction have also come from Representative Adam Schiff, a Democrat from California, who last week announced legislation he would like to see enacted: the Access to Justice for Victims of Gun Violence Act would “… ensure that the victims of gun violence are allowed to have their day in court and that the gun industry … is not shielded from liability when it acts with negligence and disregard for public safety.”

In an interview at, Schiff said,

I have discussed this and other priorities with the House Task Force on Gun Violence, led by Rep. Mike Thompson and submitted this proposal to the Vice President’s working group. My legislation is just one piece of the larger conversation we’re having on how to reduce gun violence in this country, but it is an important piece and I look forward to gathering support and moving forward. We’ve already had a great response from Members and outside groups, like the Brady Campaign and the American Bar Association, who are interested in this issue.

According to the 2008 report, ‘Regulating Guns in America’, by the Legal Community Against Violence, locking devices can be any device which prevents a gun being fired by the wrong user, and can be either external to the gun, such as a gun safe, or integrated into the design, such as a personalized trigger lock. The report notes,

Locking devices themselves, however, are not exempt, and therefore the CSPC has the ability to adopt national safety standards for locking devices.


The Alton Consulting Group, LLC, a consultancy firm for small businesses, published an overview of the issues faced by a start-up looking to expand production of smart guns as part of a business plan, and noted police officers were unlikely to want to be microchipped like “the family pet”.

But the proposals to bring in technology such as that offered by TriggerSmart are only one of many applications involving implants. I have written about these applications in some of my previous articles. The key issue is identification – needed for smart guns, online commerce, health services, and payment systems. All of which could lead to microchip implants.

Even the problem with battery life has been resolved: NASA has developed an RF Telemetry “implantable biomicroelectromechanical” system, known as ‘bio-MEMS’, which can both transmit and receive data, via a miniature inductor/antenna; the bio-MEMS are electromagnetically coupled “with a remote powering/receiving device”, so they don’t need batteries, as they are charged when they are being used.

Journalists have begun to report on a new portable device for police officers which scans people for concealed weapons. “The device …. is small enough to be placed in a police vehicle or stationed at a street corner” as a way of searching for illegal firearms. The NYPD is about to begin testing the device, “which reads terahertz radiation – the natural energy emitted by people and inanimate objects – and allows police to view concealed weapons from a distance.”

There’s even a start up challenge for someone to develop a 3D-printable smart gun!

[1] Many guns were on display at this SOFEX weapons exhibition, none of which were ‘safe’!
[2] Such as tasers which are claimed to ‘save lives’.
[4] This is illustrated (3 MINUTES INTO THE VIDEO) in the promo for Triggersmart on YouTube. Note also

The ONE Group has made a Private Equity Offering:

TriggerSmart installed in a GSG5 – viable, patented, RFID based childproof semi-automatic rimfire rifle. Can only be used with the associated RFID ring, allowing parents, officials and others reassurance that only they can use their weapon. As featured in the New York Times and Fox News.

This article first appeared at Get Mind Smart

Julie Beal is a UK-based independent researcher who has been studying the globalist agenda for more than 20 years. Please visit her website, Get Mind Smart, for a wide range of information about Agenda 21, Communitarianism, Ethics, Bioscience, and much more.

Why We Need to Stop The Development of The "Smart Gun"