The communists began their new campaign for gun confiscation yesterday, assembling at the Washington Mall for a silent march down Constitution Avenue. How ironic. Of course this so called protest was sanctioned by the soviet insurgent government. No billy clubs and tear gas for these traitors and only positive coverage in the mainstream propaganda machine.
Imagine a march centered on a desire to diminish our 2nd Amendment. The United States is a Republic and our people’s Bill of Rights absolutely cannot be altered by anyone within any of the three branches of government, as our Bill of Rights represents our power as individuals. Our rights are inalienable and hence the power they represent is absolute without exception or infringement.
The communists who showed up at the Washington Mall detest our form of government as it forbids our individual power being compounded through collectivism, as in my right, his right, her right outweighs your right twice over. Not one, not two, not a thousand, or a million can remove the right of the individual through a majority consent. In short, the one has absolute equal right to the all within our law.
The only way a right guaranteed under our Bill of Rights can be diminished in any way is through diminished exercise thereof by the individual. Any American national is absolutely free not to exercise a right but they can in no way dictate that another individual do the same, not as one or as a million.
Our rights are our individual possession and no others. They cannot be amended through legislation or executive order, as no branch of government can even approach such assertion without causing an infringement, which is absolutely forbidden by our Bill of Rights itself, within its embodiment, within the individual as a self governing entity.
The communists who came out to march at the Washington Mall yesterday are guilty of attempting to incite insurrection and constructive treason against our Republic by definition of our law. Every one of them should be charged, convicted, made to serve hard time, and then deported.
Our founding fathers and I do not mean the aristocrats but rather those who fought and died to establish our country, have commanded us, through our Bill of Rights and the established fact that our rights are inalienable, to defy this soviet socialist insurgency through the assertion of our rights for the removing of all infringements.
We as individuals must institute total resistance to tyranny until our enemy is vanquished.
God bless the Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.
- From The Trenches World Report
Communist Party Protests At Mall For Removal of 2nd Amendment and Gun Control
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