Monday, February 25, 2013

Illuminati and Bilderbergers NWO

The so called elite through its entities such as WHO, World Bank, IMF, UN, EU, UNESCO, NATO, Central Banks, Federal reserve, NAFTA, Council on Foreign Relations, etc…and with the use of controlled media with the help of individuals such as Rupert Murdoch is advancing their plan of a One World Government known as New world Order which is nothing but a world wide fascist technocratic dictatorship, in which this elite will control every aspect of the population. They want to reduce world’s population by some 80% by means of mass depopulation programs with the help of vaccines and biomedical weapons as well as wars. They brought you the first, second world wars and are committed to start a third one in which nuclear weapons will be used. They have engineered all major world financial crisis.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Illuminati and Bilderbergers NWO

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