Thursday, February 21, 2013

Gold Sitting at Ledge of 2-Year Support Cliff

By EconMatters  



A Rough Start for 2013


Well Gold hasn`t had a particularly good start to the year, in fact, a good pairs trade would be going long the S&P 500 and short the Gold market for a nice 12% return in two months. But many Gold Investors are not yet ready to throw in the towel for 2013, and some even have targets in the 2000 an ounce area, and think this pullback, although significant, represents an excellent buying opportunity. 


A Buying Opportunity?


Well, all those waiting for a pullback to get long on this Gold trade now have their opportunity. The real question is whether this is a good place to buy, or the proverbial “Catching a Falling Knife”? I put some charts together, and I will let you decide that one for yourself. Just watch for key technical levels that break, and protect yourselves with stops, and you will survive with little more than some flesh wounds if you are wrong. 


Charts Galore




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Gold Sitting at Ledge of 2-Year Support Cliff

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