Wednesday, February 20, 2013

DHS and Local Police Purchase Shooting Target Pictures of Pregnant Women, Children, and the Elderly

No more hesitation targets depict gun wielding pregnant women, children, and the elderly

By Alex Thomas
February 20, 2013

In a shocking display of what may be on the horizon, a company that provides realistic shooting targets for the Department of Homeland Security and local law enforcement has produced a line of targets that includes gun wielding pregnant women, children, and the elderly.

The targets are intended to give officers experience in dealing with the need to use deadly force against someone who they usually wouldn’t even consider hurting.

Law Enforcement Targets, Inc, the company who is providing these realistic targets, has seen widespread criticism after multiple original reports went viral across the internet.

In an official response to regarding their line of “No Hesitation” shooting targets, the company had this to say:

“The subjects in NMH targets were chosen in order to give officers the experience of dealing with deadly force shooting scenarios with subjects that are not the norm during training.

I found while speaking with officers and trainers in the law enforcement community that there is a hesitation on the part of cops when deadly force is required on subjects with atypical age, frailty or condition (one officer explaining that he enlarged photos of his own kids to use as targets so that he would not be caught off guard with such a drastically new experience while on duty).

This hesitation time may be only seconds but that is not acceptable when officers are losing their lives in these same situations.

The goal of NMH is to break that stereotype on the range, regardless of how slim the chances are of encountering a real life scenario that involves a child, pregnant woman, etc. If that initial hesitation time can be cut down due to range experience, the officer and community are better served.”

DHS Contracts

In the last two years and, more specifically, in the last ten months we have seen the Department of Homeland Security purchase upwards of 2 billion rounds of ammunition which they have, in turn, claimed was for solely for training purposes.

Although it is absurd to believe that billions of rounds of ammo are needed strictly for training, the above shooting targets at least give the American people a look into what homeland security is actually training for, especially when you consider that they have awarded Law Enforcement Targets Inc. with 2 million dollars worth of contracts.

A follow up report by Paul Joseph Watson revealed this stunning fact: (you can also view the official contract numbers here)

Following concerns that the issue could be linked with Homeland Security’s purchase of around 2 billion bullets over the last year, which many fear is linked to preparations for domestic disorder, it has now emerged that Law Enforcement Training Inc. has racked up contracts worth almost $ 2 million dollars with the DHS over the last three years.

The vast majority of those contracts were for “training aids” and “paperboard,” according to the website, which lists numerous different contracts each in the region of $ 150,000 and $ 180,000 dollars stretching back to early 2010 and running through to July 2012.


A customer who called Law Enforcement Inc. yesterday told Infowars that the company informed him the targets were, “strictly for Department of Homeland Security and other law enforcement agencies.”

Law Enforcement Request Shooting Targets

Immediately after the original reports on these horrific shooting targets were published, the usual corporate shills and sock puppet attackers went to work claiming that law enforcement would never order these and that this is a conspiracy theory hoax.

Sadly, the facts couldn’t be farther from the truth.

In a call published on YouTube by Blaine Cooper, a representative of the company admitted that law enforcement had requested the targets and then went on to explain them away as if they simply weren’t a big deal.

“Unfortunately our world is made up of people, pregnant or otherwise, that are gun owners not for the right reasons,” adding that the targets were to “train police officers”.

Conclusion: The evidence (and the above report is simply one out of hundreds) has become so overwhelming that it is impossible to ignore the fact that elements of the government are indeed preparing to take on the American people.

View a screenshot of the targets on the companies website.

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DHS and Local Police Purchase Shooting Target Pictures of Pregnant Women, Children, and the Elderly

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